Sunday, August 22, 2010

Learning Management Systems

Learning Management Systems or LMS such as Moodle or Blackboard are a "free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites". "Typically, a LMS provides practitioners with a way to upload, create and deliver content, monitor student participation, and assess student performance".
These sites are a great digital tool as they can be accessed for information from either home or educational sectors.

Student and course information are two standard features that any LMS will provide.

Typical examples of learning/teaching tools found within most LMS are:

•Online assessment and grading options

•Grade reporting tool (i.e. to allow students to view grades)

•Quiz/Survey development tool

•Course backup, download, & upload facilities

•Student account administration tools

•Student group administration tools

•Student access tracking (i.e. how many articles have they posted/read, which pages have they accessed?)

•Tracking (i.e. how many students have accessed a page, when did each student access the page?)

•Web-based file management

•Page counters

•Course glossary building tool

•Course indexing system

•Course announcements and calendar administration tool

Typical features for students include:


•Student accounts for web publishing

•Group work areas for collaborative web publishing

•Course content annotation facility and bookmarks

•Web-based email and discussion groups

•Real-time chat rooms

•Real-time white boards

•Individual grade and progress status reports


Australian Learning Management Systems. Learning Management Systems: A Teacher's Perspective Retrieved from 20th August, 2010

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